RSS Newsletter Feed

Many of you may not realize that you can subscribe to our blog! While you're more than welcome to get our weekly newsletter updates via email, I would rather give you a bit more control over our content, and provide it in a much less nagging way; yes, I'm referring to a good ol' RSS feed!


To enable RSS feeds for on your MacOS-based system, use an RSS reader such as Reeder. If you're new to Reeder, under the "Feeds" panel on the left-hand side, click the "+" icon. For the "Feed or Site URL" field, add our RSS URL, which is: .

Click the "Search" button, once you have added the RSS URL, and select "Subscribe". Once the RSS link has been imported, you should have a feed for our recent blog posts!


To enable RSS feeds for on your Linux-based system, use an RSS reader such as NewsFlash.