Photo by AbsolutVision / Unsplash

RSS Newsletter Feed

May 28, 2024

Many of you may not realize that you can subscribe to our blog! While you're more than welcome to get our weekly newsletter updates via email, I would rather give you a bit more control over our content, and provide it in a much less nagging way; yes, I'm referring to a good ol' RSS feed!


To enable RSS feeds for on your MacOS-based system, use an RSS reader such as Reeder. If you're new to Reeder, under the "Feeds" panel on the left-hand side, click the "+" icon. For the "Feed or Site URL" field, add our RSS URL, which is: .

Click the "Search" button, once you have added the RSS URL, and select "Subscribe". Once the RSS link has been imported, you should have a feed for our recent blog posts!


To enable RSS feeds for on your Linux-based system, use an RSS reader such as NewsFlash.